Monday 29 March 2010

Interviews - Target Audience Feedback

Interview Questions -

1. What did you understand from te video?
2. Did you understand the concept of dream & reality?
3. Did the lyrical content link to the visual images ?
4. What camera shots did you like the most?
5. What could have improved the video?
6. Did the locations link with the hip - hop theme?
7. What did you think of the effects?
8. Did you understand why the video ended with abraham waking up ?
9. Were you engaged through out the whole video?

Misha's Conclusion to Target Audience Feedback:

As we interviewed our targt audience we were trying to establish whether we had achieved on correcting our mistakes from previous criticisms such as;

-The black and white effect through out the dream parts in the video, are now changed ...also the pace of some of the visual images had been slower that the ythem of the song.

By interviewing our targetaudience i believe that w have been able to achieve our goals as they found the video entertaining and unique. They understood that the singer was in a nightmare and also agreeded that even with out the use of voyeurism in the video that many male viewers would be attracted to the ideo due to the axe and kidnapping scenes. To me out video was a success as it captured what our target audience had been looking for without using mnay of the codes and conventions genrally ound in hip-hop and house music videos.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Mishas Final Ancillary Texts Designs


As i was incharge of creating the ancillary texts i decided to create a collection of marketing texts that could advertise out products.
For example i have created:
- Digipak Cover
- Magazine Cover
- Poster
- Magazine Advert
Final Digipack Plan

Friday 26 March 2010

Final Video

Below is a comentary video that abraham and misha have
created to explain why some of the editing the editing techniques were used...

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