Thursday 22 October 2009

Similar Movie Research

Music Video Comparison with the Movie Kidulthood and Adulthood

Our Objective
My objective is to compare the two teenage movies Kidulthood and Adulthood to our music video in terms of how they represent what we are trying to represent. In a way both our music video and the films are the same because they represent violence in a world where everyone has an alter ego and this causes them to do violent and drastic things. An example of this is the bullying that goes on in the film Kidulthood results in a domino effect that spirals into more and more drastic actions taking place and eventually tragedy strikes as one of the characters dies due to a violent act. Our music video portrays this in a more visual way as the alter ego is a physical person that can be seen, rather then someone inside the persons mind affecting their sub conscience.

How the Alter Ego Becomes Alive In the Music Video and the Films
In both the films and our music video, we try and portray an action that is happening, which then provokes the character to think and make a decision; the decision can be influenced by the alter ego following him and causing him to become more violent. In the film due to certain actions, whether it be because of a possession being stolen or someone committing suicide due to bullying at school, this starts an effect which becomes more aggressive and more violent, in the movie Kidulthood, a GameBoy is stolen, and to get it back some of the characters break into the house in which it is being help, when they are there they get caught and begin to fight, they escape but not forgotten, this then leads the character which stole the GameBoy to react violently instead of calmly and hits one of the characters with a bat, this then leads him to die. In the mind of the character that used the bat, his alter ego effected him because there is a choice to be made, the environment that they live in provoke him to take drastic measures instead of seeing that two wrong do not make a right, and instead of seeing that this happened because he stole something to begin with, his alter ego encourages revenge rather then peace.
In our music video we have similar circumstances that portray the main character being kidnapped literally by his alter ego; this is in his mind and causes him to become more violent and aggressive towards everyone. Darkness is used more as a visual representation of what the person intends to do rather then doing physical harm to anyone else. There is numerous times where the alter ego is following the main character which represents him being over controlled and has no resistance to his sub conscience.

Physical Representations of the Alter Ego in Effect
In the film Adulthood, they use a lot of visual representation of how their mindset is, this is done by using argumentative language and body language as well as physical acts of violence. An example of this is where two of the characters are discussing the deal they have made to kill someone for money, one agrees and one doesn’t, they begin
and argue and without notice, one of the characters beings to fight the other character which leads to him being hit with a brick, these two characters were friends but ones alter ego got the better of him which resulted on harming his friend for no apparent reason.
In our music video however we preferred to use visual representations rather then physical acts of violence, we did this using darkness and a visual human being, being represented as the alter ego in his mind. By doing this we can create an influence over the main character and persuade him to do evil things. The alter ego has a mask on that creates a horrific effect on the viewers as they do not know what this person is, rather then who the person is. By using the kidnapping scene in our video, we managed to create the effect of a sub conscience world in his mind where the mina character is literally being held captive by his alter ego and is struggling to escape.

Overall Comparison
Overall I feel that between the movies and the film, we have created a similar effect of how environment and thoughts can effect a person behaviour, although we used a slightly different projection of how it can happen, the intentions and the environment is the same, we tried to use locations that were similar in the movies but we shot a lot in the dark to always increase the tension that the story would inevitably bring on. The eventual result we feel is one of suspense and after thoughts on how people react if they do not have overall controls of their feelings; we give the impression that it is the generation and the environmental differences which cause this to happen.

Misha's Research:
Music Video Comparison with the Movie The Butterfly Effect

Sypnosis -
The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely that small differences in the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. Although this may appear to be an esoteric and unusual behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position. The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" scenarios where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.

Watching the butterfly effect was another reason our group got the idea of the Alter ego. Very similar to the Butterfly effect. The alter ego produces to diffrent outcomes. How ever the alter ego relate more to a person and their personality than an event or a place. The movie is very dream like, confusing the viewer at points on whether the scene is part of a dream, time travel or reality. We liked this effect and want to use it in our music video by intergrating a nightmare within the video.

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