Saturday 31 October 2009

Video Pitch

My music video pitch Idea -


The video could be about a loner who does not enjoy life and the days go by with out any excitement, how ever when sleeping, he has nightmares of an alter ego that represents his 'DARKER' physi. The nightmares seem to be random at first glance, however the vishual images collaborate with some of the lyrics and the nightmares are consistant through out the song.

The Stoner (Abraham) -

The artist, featured as the main actor in the music video. The singer whose album is being released. In the music video he is the lonley stoner who is having nightmares.
The alter ego (Zaheer) -
Representing the alter-ego, the dark side of the artist. Who follows the artist around in the music video as a shadow, illustrating that the alter ego is always there.

The atmosphere of the music video is contrasting. The music beat is bubbly and bright. Hyper active and in contrast to the dower and twisted vishual images. The lyrics connect the vishual images and the beat together.

Sub genre.
Hip - Hop

In diffrent locations - the Drama studio.

- A bedroom
- the streets

In the drama studio we will use spot lights to create dramatic effect.

The rest of the music video will be taken in natural light depending on the scenes.
Th song is based around day and night so we felt that the scenes should depict a cycle of day and night through the music video.

The props we will need are limited.
An axe, while overall, mobile phone etc .. using props allow to create a more realistic sitchuation.

loose clothing, baggy jeans. Puffy coats
for the alter ego actor, a ski jacket that covers his face. - this dehumanises the actor, allowing him to be represented as a personality.

bright, fun, bubbly & hyper. Fast paced.

Camera work & editing.
Short duration shots to make it quick paced.
And there will be long duration shot also to create drama.
fast transitions. and dissolving transitions.
black and white - when the artist is sleeping to represent his nightmare
The rest in colour to allow the viewer to understand and connect with the ideas.

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