Wednesday 14 October 2009

Main Target Audience

From the results of our questionaire we have discovered our main target audience are people between the ages of 12 - 25 years. All ethnic groups like to listen to Hip-hop.

I’m going to evaluate our questionnaire results and say what we did to accommodate the results into the music video and its style.
The first question was asking what the age of the people were who were going to answer our questionnaire, the majority of the people were between 18 and 25 and that is very close to our teenage target audience, we wanted to target a mature teenage audience who would understand what kind of theories and impressions we gave off our music video and its story.
The second question is related to the gender of the questionnaire answerer, 60% of the people were male and again this is part of our target audience, we wanted a males perspective because they may appreciate the aggressive side to our video more then the female audience would.
The third question was based on what the ethnicity of the audience is, this was a delicate question and our target audience was not really based on ethnicity or race, because we live in a multi cultural society and pigeon holing our audience to a minority would be detrimental to what we are trying to achieve. The results were 50% of the audience of which answered our questions were black and 32% were white, the rest were made up of different ethnic societies.
The fourth question was what type of videos do the audience like, conventional or unconventional, or aim at the start was to create a music video that broke the rules of hip hop music videos, we didn’t want to portray our message in a stereotypical way, the majority of the audience also preferred the unconventional and exciting videos. Consequently we can provide our audiences needs while being able to be adventurous with our ideas.
The fifth question is what type of music do the audience tend to listen to, this again was more about seeing what the audience enjoy rather then to adjust our idea of what we wish to do, the majority of the audience said RnB but the second largest said hip hop which is our genre, overall we are very happy with this result because if the audience were given a second choice, we feel they would have all picked hip hop after RnB.
The sixth question was whether they felt personally that the music they listen to affected their speech, personally we felt this could be classed as a trick question due to the pride of the audience wanting to say no due to their own independency, however we are pleased to say that the majority actually said yes and were very honest about how they speak.
The seventh question was about whether the audience found dreams and nightmares interesting, due to our music video being based on a dream, we felt that positive feedback on this question was absolutely crucial otherwise we would have to reconsider our plan, in the end we got a resounding yes to the question and that gave us a lot of encouragement to give the audience what they wanted and to continue our project as planned.
The eighth question was about whether the audience like surrealist or abstract music videos, to help the audience know what we mean by both definitions we placed a small example next to each one so they answer honestly, we got mixed feedback with a 52-48% win for abstract, this in a way was good because we feel our music video is classed as abstract and having positive feedback, however small the margin, is always a good thing.
The ninth question was quite interesting because the question itself was based more on personal experience of the artists, we asked if they felt violence is necessary in hip hop videos and the majority said no which is very interesting, the reason we found this interesting is because our video and story is about self inflicting of the mind, what your conscience can do to you if your not in control so in a way it does have violence but also not against anyone else, it will be interesting to see the feedback we receive post watching the video.
The tenth question is about whether they feel the previous experience and background life of the artist affects the way they write and what they sing about, this question would not influence what we are trying to do because our artist is a brand new artists but it was interesting to see a 95% yes answer to the question.
The eleventh question brought on some controversy within the group, the question is whether the audience liked dance routines in the videos they watch, we originally had an idea to include it but decided against it later on, however we received an resounding 93% yes that they liked dance routines, this of course brought conversation towards what we should do but unfortunately we could not find anyone willing to do a dance routine for us.
The twelfth question was what type of storyline did the audience prefer, the answers were spread reasonably evenly between solo, dual and performance and we class our storyline as solo although there are hints of a dual storyline too with the “alter ego”.
The thirteenth question was whether the audience preferred the music video to illustrate or contradict the lyrics in the song; we also had an option for no preference. Our music video is based on lyrical content and we are pleased to say that we made the right choice by having over half the audience say they preferred the video to illustrate the lyrics in the song and video.
The fourteenth question was what the audience felt about contemporary videos and modern ones, we feel our video is quite modern in style, language and imagination so we were hoping for a majority of the audience to vote in the modern favour, unfortunately this surprisingly was not the case, just over half the audience actually prefer a more contemporary video rather than modern and although we accept this as a disappointment, we felt we had a lot to offer with our style and substance that may be able to attract even the most contemporary video lovers.
The fifteenth question was incredibly interesting, the question was whether the audience preferred fast or slow videos and because we undoubtedly consider our video a very fast and action packed video, the audience were halved at 50% each, we found this very interesting but again we continued as planned.
The sixteenth and final question was whether the audience preferred a scary, an action packed or a light hearted video. Our music video is more action packed then scary and we were very happy to say that the majority of the audience said they preferred that.
Overall we are very pleased with the feedback we have received and we are very grateful for those who took time out to answer our questions, we feel our video is going to have a lot of positive feedback and we look forward to hearing what our audience think about our music video.

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